The history of Cigar Life
1. From Social Smoker to Social Media
Cigars and social media are not exactly what comes to mind while puffing on a stick and letting that rich, thick smoke tickle your tongue before you release it. Yet, cigar aficionados have stormed social media. On Facebook alone, there are over 100 different cigar groups. That means there’s a group out there for everyone … and if you can’t find a good fit, it’s easy enough to create your own. Yet, social media isn’t the only way to enjoy cigar life. There are gobs of cigar events nationwide and worldwide.
2. National Cigar Events
National cigar events across the U.S. never stop to amaze us. Every year, you can count your sticks and head over to the nearest event. Or, plan a stop during your vacation and check out cigar events in your area. If you’ve never been to a cigar event, you should try one. Live music, smokes, and excellent camaraderie? You bet! Large events often include premium cigar samples among other things for participants to enjoy. You don’t need to stay local or national to find some great events, though. If you’re thinking of traveling abroad, be sure to check out cigar events in the area you’re traveling to as well. You’ll never know what gems you’ll find until you look.
3. Cigar Events Across the Globe
Finding international cigar events that appeal to you is easier than you think with a good internet connection. Cigar Journal has a list of international cigar events posted on their website. Yet, if you know where your traveling and are looking for something in the area, a simple web search may produce some good results. So, maximize your vacation or travel plans to take one down to the nub.
4. Smoking’ in the Cigar lounge
If you haven’t had a chance to check out a local or not-so-local cigar lounge yet. We encourage you to try them. They are a fantastic way to socialize with good smoke. As a bonus, you’ll find cigar lounges dotted across the U.S. as well as the globe. The trend of cigar lounges is likely to continue to rise if the industry has anything to reflect on it. According to Statista, a market research company, the cigar industry is speaking loud and clear. Cigar consumption is rising across the globe, and the U.S. is at the top of the list with over $9 billion in revenue generated in the U.S. alone for 2019.
5. Cigar History Museums
6. Women and Cigars
7. Millennial Cigar Smokers
Millennials are the up-and-coming cigar aficionados now and they are taking to cigar lifestyle by storm. According to a blog by Zach Riley on Stogie Press, millennials like himself enjoy a good stick for relaxation and socialization. They prefer social events to stogies at home. They also believe in documenting their lives, including cigar life, via social media – any social media.
So, there you have it, cigar life truly is for everyone. Cigar life has much to offer. There is so much more to cigars than nubbing a good stick. Of course, that’s always good too.
photo credit: Pixabay