Christine Morgan, owner and founder of Lips Sticks and Fingertips, has been living the cigar life and breaking barriers in the cigar industry for nearly a decade. Ever the businesswoman, she has learned she can’t be in two places at once. However, that hasn’t stopped her from sharing insights and welcoming newcomers to the cigar world. She talked to Cigar Life Guy about being drawn to the camaraderie of cigar smokers, her thriving mobile lounge business, and how there’s room for everyone in the world of cigars.
First Premium Cigar Experience
Cigar Life Guy: Tell me about your first premium cigar experience.
Christine Morgan: My first premium cigar experience was in 2013 in New Orleans. I was with a client, celebrating a successful business connection. The atmosphere was vibrant, with the sounds of jazz music. We chose a cigar lounge that had an impressive selection of cigars. I remember the anticipation, my first cigar was Rocky Patel Sungrown and the unique ambiance of New Orleans enhanced my experience even more.
The Cigar Community
Cigar Life Guy: What drew you to the cigar culture and what are your favorite aspects of the cigar community?
Christine Morgan: I was initially drawn to cigar culture by the opportunity to make business connections while enjoying a premium cigar. Over time, I’ve come to appreciate the camaraderie within the community and the wealth of cigar education available, which has deepened my appreciation for cigar culture overall.
Mobile Cigar Lounges and Cigar Events
Cigar Life Guy: You are one of if not the first owners of a mobile lounge. What gave you the idea and have you found that competitors are catching on to the concept?
Christine Morgan: While I’d love to claim the title of the first mobile cigar lounge owner, I actually drew inspiration from a few existing lounges that motivated me to create my own unique concept. Since launching, I’ve seen numerous other mobile lounges emerge, and I’ve had the pleasure of helping many of them along the way. It’s great to see others catching on to this trend—there’s plenty of room in the industry for everyone, and I’m always happy to share insights!
Cigar Life Guy: You advertise wedding packages. Tell us a bit about what it’s like blending two niche markets.
Christine Morgan: Blending cigars with weddings has become increasingly popular, as it offers a unique experience tailored for the groom and his friends. While weddings often focus on the bride, incorporating a cigar element allows the groom to feel included and appreciated. It adds a special touch to the celebration, ensuring that everyone feels considered and can enjoy a memorable moment together.
Cigar Life Guy: What other kinds of events do people book the mobile lounge for?
Christine Morgan: Our mobile lounge is versatile and can be booked for a variety of events! People often choose it for birthday parties, retirement celebrations, family reunions, graduations, and just-because parties. It’s also perfect for girls’ nights out, as well as bachelorette and bachelor parties, providing a unique experience for any occasion.
Cigar Life Guy: Women in the cigar industry are often overlooked. What advice would you give to women entering the industry and women who smoke cigars?
Christine Morgan: Women in the cigar industry bring a valuable perspective that is often overlooked, and my advice to those entering the field is to embrace your passion and confidence. For women who smoke cigars, I encourage them to connect with others who share their interests, whether through lounges, events, or social media. Our voice and presence in the industry matter. Together, we can help foster a more inclusive environment for everyone.
Challenges in the Cigar Industry and Passions Outside of It
Cigar Life Guy: What is the biggest challenge you have faced in the cigar industry?
Christine Morgan: The biggest challenge I’ve faced in the cigar industry is the limitation- not being able to be in two places at once. With so many events and opportunities to connect with customers and fellow enthusiasts, it can be tough to juggle everything effectively. However, I’ve learned to prioritize and delegate when possible, ensuring that I can still provide the best experience for everyone involved.
Cigar Life Guy: What is one of your passions-outside of cigars- people would not know about you?
Christine Morgan: One of my passions outside of cigars that people might not know about is arts and crafts. Whether it’s painting, DIY crafts, or other artistic endeavors, I love expressing my creativity through various projects. It’s a great way to relax and unwind while exploring new ideas and techniques.
Follow Christine on Instagram and check out the latest from Lips Sticks and Fingertips here
Photo credit: Life Print Photography/Miranda Malone