Omar de Frias, founder of Fratello Cigars, left a high-paying job at NASA to pursue his passion for cigars. Omar has been living the cigar life since his teens and found some surprising similarities between his work with NASA and the cigar industry. He talked with Cigar Life Guy about the science and artisanship of cigar making, the diversity of the cigar community, and “going to the moon” with Fratello Cigars.
First Premium Cigar Experience
Cigar Life Guy: Tell me about your first premium cigar experience.
Omar de Frias: My introduction to premium cigars occurred in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic -a city where cigar craftsmanship is celebrated and deeply ingrained in my cultural upbringing. At age 17, I was captivated by an artisan I encountered that was hand-rolling cigars. His care for the craft was palpable as I observed their craft. This experience made me fall in love with premium cigars. While my buddies were smoking cigarettes, here I was smoking cigars.
Getting Involved in the Cigar Industry
Cigar Life Guy: Tell us a bit about your work with NASA. How does it compare with the cigar industry?
Omar de Frias: Transitioning from my role at NASA to the cigar industry was a significant shift, but surprisingly, there are more similarities than one might expect. Both fields demand attention to detail, dedication, and a deep understanding of science and artistry. While at NASA, I worked on projects that pushed the boundaries of technology and exploration. Similarly, in the cigar industry, I strive to innovate and push boundaries by crafting blends and pairings that have never been worked on before.
Cigar Life Guy: You walked away from a high-paying job because of your passion for cigars and you named your company the Italian word for “brothers” as a testament to the camaraderie of cigar smoking. What makes the cigar community so unique?
Omar de Frias: What sets the cigar community apart is its unwavering sense of camaraderie and fellowship. This is the only industry where you can have two people who just got off work, and can enjoy the same cigar after a long day. These two people may be of the most diverse background, different socio-economic status, and they will share a conversation over a shared passion. You will be hard-pressed to find any other industry where these two human beings will share a passion like this in common.
The Fratello Portfolio
Cigar Life Guy: Tell us a little about Fratello’s portfolio.
Omar de Frias: Fratello Cigars has a diverse portfolio. From the bold and robust Fratello Bianco to the smooth Fratello Oro, each cigar is a testament to our commitment to quality and innovation. Our portfolio continues to evolve, with new releases and limited editions that push the boundaries of flavor.
Hosting Cigar Events
Cigar Life Guy: Events are a huge part of cigar life, and Fratello hosts a series of them. What are the makings of a great cigar event?
Omar de Frias: A great cigar event is more than just cigars; it’s about creating memorable experiences and forging meaningful connections. We host tastings, pairing dinners, seminars, weddings, and live entertainment. It’s all about creating a welcoming atmosphere for cigar lovers and fostering a sense of community.
Challenges in the Cigar Industry
Cigar Life Guy: What is the biggest challenge facing the cigar industry today?
Omar de Frias: One of the biggest challenges facing the cigar industry today is government regulation and legislation. The ever-changing regulatory landscape poses significant obstacles for manufacturers, retailers, and enthusiasts alike. Navigating complex regulations while preserving the tradition and culture of cigar smoking requires constant vigilance and advocacy.
Cigar Life Guy: What’s next for Fratello Cigars?
Omar de Frias: The future holds exciting possibilities for Fratello Cigars. We remain committed to innovation which is expressed on some of our latest releases. This year Fratello went to the moon. We are ready for the next challenge by exploring new collaborations and partnerships that will bring Fratello smokers a memorable experience.
Follow Omar on Instagram and check out the latest from Fratello Cigars here.
photo credit: Fratello Cigars