Yes, smoking a cigar can be a religious experience. Just ask Calvin “Hollywood” Jenkins. The owner of Luxe Cigar Lounge, singer, event promoter, and cigar lover likens the cigar experience to “church.” Jenkins talked with Cigar Life Guy about his gospel roots, the Charleston Smoke Out, and the organic conversations from sharing a good smoke.
Calvin Jenkins’ Memorable First Cigar
Cigar Life Guy: Tell me about your first premium cigar experience.
Calvin “Hollywood” Jenkins: My first cigar experience was at 18. I remember smoking a Baccarat Cigar. There was a cigar lounge called Smoking Lamp in Downtown Charleston, and I went alone. But there was no special occasion; I was just interested in smoking cigars.
Hollywood’s Impact: Cigars in the South
Cigar Life Guy: You’re a proud native of South Carolina. So, how did you get the nickname “Hollywood”?
Calvin “Hollywood” Jenkins: My mother gave me that name. She was a fine soul. I always wore suits and shades to school. So people would say I think I’m Hollywood, and the name stuck.
Cigar Life Guy: You opened Luxe Cigar Lounge, the first cigar lounge in Low Country. Tell us about your lounge and what makes it second to none.
Calvin “Hollywood” Jenkins: Luxe wasn’t the first cigar lounge in the Low Country, but we were the first luxury cigar lounge. Our customer service and cigar selection are unlike any other lounge in the surrounding areas. And our live music events alone set us apart. So, the vibe at Luxe is definitely unmatched.
Cigar Life Guy: So, you appreciate the experience of a fine cigar. But what makes for a great experience, and what makes the cigar community unique?
Calvin “Hollywood” Jenkins: A great cigar experience can be smoking a cigar myself or sitting with genuine people. Sometimes, that experience can be organic — where I’m joined by people I’ve never met — and we spark conversation. Organic experiences are the best.
Having fellowship is what makes the cigar community unique. You have people from all different walks of life. It reminds me of going to church.
Calvin Jenkins: Notes and Smokes
Cigar Life Guy: You’re also a recording artist who cites various influences. So, how did you get your start in the music industry?
Calvin “Hollywood” Jenkins: Well, I’ve been singing since I was little. In fact, I traveled the world as a kid and started singing with the gospel. Then, I got out of the singing and started managing. From there, I went into promoting. I’ve always loved music, specifically old-school music. And James Brown is a big influencer of mine. I’ve always said to myself I can do that. So, I went to Florida and had an experience where I was the entertainment. Then, I contacted my little brother when I returned home, and things took off.
Cigar Life Guy: Then you founded SOUL Music & Events and the Charleston Smoke Out. Tell us, what are the makings of a successful event, whether cigars or music?
Calvin “Hollywood” Jenkins: Work, grinding, the right concept, and the right time are all factors. So, we have to think about what the people want. We must consider what vibe to give them or what experience we want them to have. The right entertainment is paramount, as are the small things (that are huge things, too) like the food vendors. All of this plays a role in a successful event.
Calvin Ignites: Charleston Smoke Out
Cigar Life Guy: This May will be the 4th Charleston Smoke Out. What are you most excited about this year?
Calvin “Hollywood” Jenkins: One of the things we are most excited about is our partnership with the Crate Group LLC. It’s a non-profit that will support three low-income families throughout the Low Country. I’m also looking forward to this year’s growth and this event becoming more multicultural. I’m excited to see all the new and returning faces.
Cigar Life Guy: So, why did you want to bring a large cigar event to Charleston?
Calvin “Hollywood” Jenkins: We didn’t start with the idea of making it a big event in Charleston; It just happened over time. And each year, the event grew, and more ideas rolled in. As it grew, we wanted to improve the event experience. After all, people from all over the United States come for this event, and a few come from out of the country, too.
Follow Hollywood on Instagram and get the latest information on the Charleston Smoke Out here.
Photo credit: Calvin “Hollywood” Jenkins