When pressed to name where the best cigars come from, the almost unanimous response is Cuba. Nicaragua is usually a fairly close second, followed by the Dominican Republic. Mexico typically doesn’t immediately jump to mind. That has been changing over the last several years. The cigar industry in Mexico is recognizing a true renaissance. Much of this is due to enhanced measures focused on quality control. Well-established producers recognize the fine quality that Mexican-grown tobacco can provide. If you enjoy Maduro cigars, chances are you have smoked some of the best Mexican cigars made with the jet black San Andres Negro wrapper from Mexico.
A Rich History of the Best Mexican Cigars
The San Andres valley is the most notable area for quality Mexican cigar production. This area has a rich history of growing tobacco dating back to the ancient Mayans.
In 1880, the Turrent family arrived in the San Andreas Valley. Here, the soil is rich in volcanic ash and offers one of the best places for growing tobacco in Mexico and along the Gulf Coast. It was here the Mexican tobacco Industry was born. Te-Amo cigars were established 80 years later. They became the leading brand of some of the best Mexican cigars. The casual cigar enthusiast has loved Te-Amo cigars for years. They treasure these cigars for their smooth blend and wallet-friendly price.
Beyond the Working Man’s Cigar
Te-Amo cigars enjoyed a reputation as a working man’s cigar. This is because they are affordable and have a growing ubiquity at deli counters, especially in New York City. Yet, the Turrent family still makes them. The Turrent family maintains a careful eye on the quality of the tobacco that goes into the cigars.
Many fine producers such as Partagas and Romeo Y Julieta recognize the quality and potential of Mexican tobacco. They use Mexican wrappers and filler in some of their cigars. Mexican cigar makers want to be more than an everyman cigar. Their focus is on premium trophy cigars. They often blend their Mexican tobacco with Nicaraguan, Cuban, or Dominican seed.
The Best Mexican Cigars
The Turrent family has been making cigars for five generations in Mexico under the Te-Amo brand. So, they launched their own family label of premium cigars and named it Casa Turrent. The line that bears the family name aims to produce a premium brand Mexican cigar with attention to detail and the rich history of Mexican tobacco.
Of the roughly 400,000 kilos of tobacco produced in Mexico, 60% finds its way into well-known brands. A strong selection process allows the finest leaves to find their way into Casa Turrent. The Casa Turrent line has been received favorably by reviewers and aficionados since its release. That’s particularly true of its box-pressed line, which is compared favorably to Padron.
Smoke Local Cigars on Vacation!
Numerous stories circulate about tourists getting ripped off in places like Cabo San Lucas and Cancun with counterfeit Cuban cigars. Why not smoke locally? If there’s one thing any aficionado can’t argue with, it’s the quality and freshness of Turrent cigars. Turrent Cigars wants you to lavish every moment of your premium smoke. So, they also offer many high-end lounges — Casas, to suit your pleasure. Here, you can kick back and relax. Bask in the comfort of a premium local cigar and some equally indulgent house-made tequila to pair with them. Can’t make it to Mexico? Soak up the rich local tradition at home and enjoy one of the best Mexican cigars available!
photo credit: commons