Cigar Life Guy® is the cigar lifestyle brand. It is owned and operated by cigar aficionado, Dave Arlinghaus. Cigar Life Guy® represents several of Dave’s passions. These include cigars and the great conversations that occur over social cigar smoking. It also includes helping regular cigar smokers save big on life insurance.
Our media properties provide entertainment and education. We focus on the entire cigar smoking experience. We also build awareness on cigar smoker’s life insurance. There is a huge, often unrealized savings opportunity for cigar smokers. So, through our life insurance brokerage, cigar smokers now realize those savings.
Dave Arlinghaus has been an independent life insurance broker since 2010. He works with many of the top-rated life insurance companies. Dave has also developed his life insurance expertise over the years including building strong relationships with insurance carriers. He is particularly skilled at managing cases involving complex health situations.
Leveraging technology
Leveraging technology, Dave works with clients across the United States. You’ll speak with Dave or an associate via the phone. Finally, we’ll discuss your situation and go over any electronic paperwork needed. Dave’s approach gives you three benefits that are tough to beat.
- A real relationship with an experienced life insurance professional
- A streamlined application process using cutting-edge technology
- Access to the best companies with the best prices and value available
A brief history
Dave grew up in Oxford, Ohio. As a teenager, he started his first business, All-Star Baseball Cards. Here, he sold sports memorabilia. Afterward, Dave graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Miami University. He holds a double major in marketing and finance. He also served on his alma mater’s board of trustees. Later, Dave worked for Procter & Gamble in several progressive leadership roles. Here, he focused on new business development. Additionally, he has also done private consulting, focusing on business strategy and growth.
Dave has been an Atlanta resident since 2004. He resides in the East Atlanta Village neighborhood. So, you’ll find him sitting outside enjoying a cigar and a great conversation. Or, you might find him watching a football game.