Women and cigars are becoming more commonplace today despite cigar-smoking long considered as a man’s domain. Women have shattered the taboo image of female smokers and taken cigar-smoking mainstream. Cigars are no longer gender-biased. Now, more than ever, cigars symbolize a level of female empowerment and equality. Who better to embody the dynamic of female empowerment than superstar R and B singer Rihanna? And, Rihanna also happens to be a significant cigar enthusiast.
Only the Best Come From the Islands
Rihanna was born in St. Michael and raised in Bridgetown, Barbados. She shattered stereotypes and personified the strong, female dynamic. It all began when she burst onto the R and B scene upon coming to the states in 2005. It was then that she signed with Def Jam Records.
In 2007, with her song “Umbrella,” Rihanna took center stage in the American R and B scene, earning her first Grammy. So, it was only fitting during her celebration that she also smoked another excellent island import, a Cohiba Corona Minor.
Rihanna Loves Cubans
This wouldn’t be the first time fans spotted Rihanna enjoying a trophy cigar. She celebrated cigars in her 2014 video for the song, “Can’t Remember to Forget You.” The video featured fellow cigar enthusiast and singer extraordinaire, Shakira. The duo enjoyed cigars between some heart-pounding dance moves. Yet, the cigars weren’t a prop. Rihanna and Shakira also enjoyed cigars after filming the video as well. Then, again during guest appearances on each other’s respective tours.
Not Just Women and Cigars, but All in the Family
Rihanna isn’t the only family member with a well-known passion for cigars. Her brother, Rorrey Fenty, founded the luxury cigar line Legado. To celebrate the launch, Legado partnered with Faberge and Rome De Bellegarde Cognac.
The goal including auctioning four limited edition trophy humidors. These special humidors featuring cigars, cognac, and exquisitely detailed timepieces. Hollywood elites and cigar enthusiasts including Arnold Schwarzenegger attended the VIP list. The auction fetched well over a million dollars. And, part of the proceeds was donated to charity.
Women and Cigars: Cuba Isn’t the Only Island That Smokes
Big sister Rihanna keeps a careful eye on the project. She encouraged her brother to follow his dream. After all, the whole family enjoyed cigar smoking. In Barbados, the smoking culture is changing; old men no longer dominate it.
Younger generations, especially women, thanks to Rihanna’s influence, are following suit. Then again, is there a better way to launch a new generation of cigar enthusiasts? Legado cigars offer an exclusive 10-year aged Cameroonian wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder, and a rare Dominican Republic filler. So, finding a more tantalizing smoke is unlikely.
Does Rihanna Only Smoke Family Cigars?
True to her character, Rihanna doesn’t do anything for the show. Instead, she echoed her brother’s sentiment. Cigar and pipe smoking are something she remembers her grandfather and relatives doing together. It brought them closer, and when she can’t smoke with her family, she does with her team that tours with her. When she isn’t smoking a Legado, you’ll see her briefly smoking with Arturo Fuente Exquisitos.
For extended gatherings, Rihanna does not shy away from a massive Cohiba or Romeo y Julieta. Influential female celebrities have led the path toward eliminating gender expectations. That’s especially true when it comes to cigars. Music icons like Rihanna continue to blaze trails for future generations of female cigar smokers.
Photo credit: “Rihanna Met Gala 2017,” by Danilo Lauria, Wikimedia Commons license CC BY-SA 3.0